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FOUNT is a proud sponsor of Employee Engagement Summit 2023 on April 19th. Let’s connect at the show!

If you are planning to attend the Employee Engagement Summit 2023, we hope you’ll attend our Roundtable titled, Learn How Frictionless Work = More Engaged Employees.

Facilitating the session is the incomparable Emilie Bastrup, Head of Customer Success and UK Market lead, Emilie is a trusted partner to large, global organisations. Her team enables stakeholders to translate the sources of organisational friction into a tangible measurement scope, and to understand the root cause of friction for employees. Once this has been defined, she and her team provide guidance on which actions to prioritise for impact, ultimately delivering better employees experiences and higher engagement.

Organisations are looking for ways to spark higher performance from their employees. At the same time, employees work harder than ever, and many quit or burn out.

  • Companies react, listen and survey employees more than ever.
  • But today’s ways of listening can’t remove friction from work because they fail to capture the misaligned workflows, policies, technology and processes involved in individuals’ day-to-day work.
  • Needless friction costs the average Fortune 500 company more than $750M per year.

This session will provide attendees with actionable tips for identifying work friction citing global research on the State of Employee Experience and best practices from organizations that are deriving value from this new approach.

Don’t forget to visit Emilie, Ian Powell and Tom Folley at Booth #20 to learn about the connection between friction fighting and a more engaged workforce.

Want to meet up at the show? Please fill out our contact form.