What impact does Employee Experience have on the Great Resignation?

A summary of the details of the article will go here.

The “Great” buzzwords – Resignation, Reshuffle, Attrition – capture the zeitgeist of a changing philosophy of work for both employers and those they employ. Catchy headlines notwithstanding, we see the impact of this shift everywhere. It is reflected in U.S. labor market statistics showing an ever-increasing attrition rate despite billions of investment in HR systems designed to keep employees happy and productive. We also hear it directly from our global customers who are seeking new solutions to augment their HR tech investments and make experience data a cornerstone of continuous improvement – one that filters through every aspect of their organizations.

For those who know us from our TI People roots, you understand the extent to which we live and breathe a fundamentally different perspective on Employee Experience (EX). Our definition goes beyond the usefulness of capturing engagement, sentiment and loyalty. We believe work should work for employees, not just companies. When you see what employees see as they go about their daily jobs, it’s as if you’ve gained x-ray vision into every thing – big and small – that gets in the way of their lived experience at work.

Remove those obstacles and you unlock workforce performance and productivity at levels that make a meaningful and quantifiable impact on the business. Our spinout company, FOUNT, aims to productize this unique approach, empowering organizations to harness the most insightful EX data they gather directly from employees and take action to make work life better for everyone.

If you are interested in sharing your own perspectives on Employee Experience, we encourage you to participate in our 4th Annual State of EX research. We’re very proud of this year’s survey as it kicks off a new enterprise-wide and longitudinal format, collecting the experiences of three different practitioner groups to provide a 360-degree, long-term view of EX improvement work at organizations worldwide. Results will be published in mid-October and participants will receive a copy of the final report.