Hafners CX Podcast – Episode 14: Managing Change and Customer Experience in Organizations 

In this episode of the Hafner CX podcast, Volker Jacobs, CEO and co-founder of FOUNT, joins Prof. Nils Hafner to discuss the critical aspects of managing change and enhancing customer experience in organizations. Their conversation centers around the intricate connection between employee and customer experiences, the necessity of a structured approach to change management, and the benefits of leveraging AI-powered tools. 

The podcast provides valuable insights into the importance of employee experience and the role of work friction management in driving business transformation. By focusing on structured change management, reducing friction in customer service, and linking employee well-being to customer satisfaction, organizations can achieve remarkable improvements in their overall performance. 

Podcast Transcript in English

Nils: Welcome to “Hafner’s CX Podcast.” Today we have Volker, CEO and co-founder of FOUNT Global, as our guest. Hello, Volker! 

Volker: Hello, Nils. I am delighted to be on your podcast. It is a pleasure to share my insights on productivity. 

Nils: You’ve had a long career in Human Resources Management, particularly in digital HR research at CEB Gartner. Could you tell us a bit about your journey and how it led you to founding your own company? 

Volker: Absolutely. My career has been dedicated to understanding and improving employee experience and workplace productivity. I spent several years at CEB Gartner focusing on digital HR research, and that experience highlighted the critical role of employee experience in overall organizational success. 

Nils: That’s fascinating. What inspired you to start your own company? 

Volker: The idea stemmed from the realization that many organizations struggle with work friction—those small obstacles that cumulatively hinder productivity. Our software aims to identify and reduce these friction points, ultimately improving employee satisfaction and performance. 

Nils: Can you elaborate on how your platform works? 

Volker: Sure. Our platform uses targeted surveys and analytics to identify moments of work friction within organizations. We quantify these frictions and provide actionable insights to help companies streamline their processes and enhance employee experience. By automating and optimizing workflows, we reduce the manual effort required from employees, allowing them to focus on more meaningful tasks. 

Nils: It sounds like your solution addresses a significant need in the market. What are some common friction points you encounter? 

Volker: Common friction points include inefficient processes, unclear policies, and lack of proper tools. For instance, employees often face challenges with outdated software or cumbersome administrative tasks. Our platform identifies these issues and suggests improvements to enhance productivity. 

Nils: That’s impressive. How do you ensure the data you collect translates into meaningful action? 

Volker: We use a combination of qualitative and quantitative data to benchmark and analyze the work environment. By understanding the specific pain points employees face, we can recommend targeted interventions. This approach ensures that our clients see tangible improvements in their operations and employee satisfaction. 

Nils: Can you share a success story from one of your clients? 

Volker: Certainly. One of our clients, a large multinational corporation, was experiencing high levels of employee frustration due to inefficient onboarding processes. By using our platform, they identified the specific steps causing delays and implemented streamlined procedures. This resulted in a significant reduction in onboarding time and an increase in employee satisfaction. 

Nils: That’s a great example. How do you see the future of work evolving with technology? 

Volker: Technology will continue to play a crucial role in transforming the workplace. Automation, AI, and data analytics will become more integrated into daily operations, helping organizations to operate more efficiently and effectively. Our goal is to stay at the forefront of these developments and provide tools that help our clients navigate these changes successfully. 

Nils: It sounds like you have a clear vision for the future. Any final thoughts you’d like to share with our listeners? 

Volker: I’d like to emphasize the importance of continuously seeking feedback from employees and using that data to drive improvements. The workplace is constantly evolving, and staying attuned to the needs of your workforce is key to maintaining a productive and positive environment. 

Nils: Thank you, Volker, for sharing your insights. It has been a pleasure having you on the podcast. 

Volker: Thank you, Nils. It was great to be here. 

Listen to the Podcast in German:

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