Three Predictions for EX work in 2023

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Recently, FOUNT Co-founder and CEO, Christophe Martel, offered the following predictions for Employee Experience in 2023.

Organizations prioritizing Employee Experience work will have a competitive advantage over incumbents in the coming years. While it may be a heavy lift to change the mindset from big overarching HR projects, early adopters’ targeted EX practices are already bearing fruit. As we look at how broader market trends support this shift, here are three additional predictions for EX in the coming year.

  1. C-Suite buy-in will be key to making EX a competitive and immediate advantage: Notably, Gartner and McKinsey included Employee Experience among their top priorities for CEOs and HR Leaders in 2023. This is not a passing fad. By making a strong business case for iterative improvement and measurable results, HR teams are well-positioned to lead their organizations out of the post-pandemic era with a powerful EX strategy.
  2. Talent markets will continue to be tight, presenting a unique opportunity for EX Leaders: Enterprising EX teams know how to read the tea leaves. These strategic EX leaders recognize that customer-facing workers in call centers, healthcare units, retail stores, and other similar talent segments will be in high demand because customers require better experiences from them and the organizations they represent. By focusing their EX efforts on these talent segments, they will establish their brands internally and set off a wave of improvement across the organization.
  3. Resolving points of friction in day-to-day moments will drive business value: Getting into the weeds of what makes employees disengage or leave may initially seem overwhelming. But the devil is in the details (or the context, in this case). Identifying the friction points that can be fixed is a recipe for employee happiness and business value over time.

Read the full article on the Spiceworks website, Build Better Employee Experiences in 2023 by Rooting Out Friction

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash.